“You better not be a 馃 running on terminal!”
馃搶 Go, Dino, Run!
A Terminal Game; implementation of Chrome's offline Dino run game written in pure Golang.
“You better not be a 馃 running on terminal!”
A Terminal Game; implementation of Chrome's offline Dino run game written in pure Golang.
How I implemented control in the Game of Life, Part 2 - Controlling world updates in the Game.
How I implemented control on the Game of Life, Part 1 - Controlling infinite loop in Go programming language.
In which I stumbled upon an article mentioning the Game of Life, felt a wave of nostalgia, and did a weekend project to make an implementation of it in Go, playable on Terminal.
As of yesterday, and confirmed by Elon Musk himself (kinda), Twitter requires people to be signed in to see tweets, even public ones. End of an era.